Terms of Service

By clicking Sign Up, you agree to our Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Acceptable Use Policy and Cookie Policy.

Terms of Service


A Warm Welcome to the www.nslhub.com

The Website and related products and services (collectively referred to as “Services”) is provided to you by Brane Cognitives Pte Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Brane,” “We”, “Us”, or “Our”) and Your use of this Website, products and services is governed by this Terms of Service.

The subscriber or user of the Website (hereinafter referred to as (“Customer”, “Client”, “User” “You”, or “Your” or “Subscriber”) hereby acknowledges that he/she has read, understood, and agreed to be bound by this Terms of Service by accessing or registering for our Services.

If you are agreeing to this Terms of Service on behalf of a company or corporate or other legal entity by clicking I Accept or Ok or ticking for signup, you are deemed to have the due and proper legal authority to represent them or act on behalf of them to bind them to these Terms of Service, in which case the references used herein such as “You” or “Your” shall also refer to such company or corporate entity or other legal entity.

f you do not agree (or) understand these Terms of Service (or) you don’t have proper authority to bind the party you are representing, then you are hereby alerted not to create a User Account (or) not to access (or) not to use a User Account for any of the Services.

Your access and use of the Services (for your own or for your employer), the information and materials made available through the Services are subject to this Terms of Service.

The Terms of Service

By choosing to visit the Platform and/or avail any Services provided by Brane, you agree to be bound by these Terms of Service. Please read the following information carefully. If you are a parent or guardian and you provide your consent for your child's use of the Platform, you agree to be bound by these Terms in respect to their use of the Platform. By your continued access or use of the Platform, you signify your agreement to be legally bound by the Terms set forth herein. If you do not agree to the Terms of this agreement, promptly exit this page, and stop accessing the Services.

Description of Services

NSL HUB a platform that enables you to develop solutions using natural language. Without writing any code, you can now easily bring your ideas to life.   Be it simple apps or complex enterprise-grade app, you can now create all these solutions without any knowledge of programming languages. 

NSL HUB offers the Platform (the “Platform”) and various other features and services, like websites, applications, and forums, in order to allow users to play, create and connect (the Platform, add solution from NSL Library and Execute solutions and all of these various other features and service collectively be referred to as the “Services”).

To maximize the experience of all users of the Services (“Users”), Brane has established terms and conditions (collectively, the “Terms of Service) that apply to use of the Services by Users.

Certain Terms may only apply to, Services, so make sure to read and understand all of them. After all, these Terms are a legally binding agreement between Users and Brane.

The Services we offer may be used for your personal and business purposes or your internal business purposes in your organization or the organisation you are representing. You may have to connect to the Services using any internet browser supported by the Services. You are responsible for arranging the Internet and the necessary equipment to access and use the Services.

Your participation in the Beta Service

We reserve every right to offer certain of our Services as closed or open beta services ("Beta Service" or “Beta Services”) for the purposes decided by us be it testing or evaluation. We reserve the discretion and authority to determine the period, success of such Beta Services, discontinue or suspend them or to offer them as commercial services. There will not be any automatic subscription to such commercial services if you have registered for Beta Services. We will not be liable for any consequences arising from discontinuance of any of the Beta Services whether it is temporary or permanent.

Acceptance of Terms of Service

When User uses the Services, User agrees to the Terms of Service and to any other applicable terms and conditions found in the Brane Legal Terms. User may not agree to these User Terms or any other Brane Terms if User is not legally allowed to, or if User is under 18 years old. 

User under the age of 18 (“Minor User”) require a parent or legal guardian (a “Guardian”) to allow them to use the Services and to agree to these Terms of Service and the other applicable terms and conditions. By permitting a Minor User to use the Services, the Guardian of the Minor User becomes subject to these Terms of Service and any other applicable terms and conditions and agrees to be responsible for the Minor User’s activities on the Services.

User provides unconditional consent when he is availing NSLHUB services. If User (or a Minor User’s Guardian, as may be applicable) doesn’t agree to these User Terms or any other Brane Terms, User may not use the Services.

To access the NSL HUB’s Platform and its services, You may have to create an account and disclose information including, but not limited to, (i) name, e-mail ID, photograph, location and other contact information (ii) gender and other demographics (iii) birth date and year to validate the current age of the Child (iv) your email address to acquire the parental consent.

User registration and creation of User-ID and password

A user needs to register and obtain a password prior to accessing certain portions of the Services. And You consent that you shall be responsible for keeping the secrecy or confidentiality of your login ID and password and you shall be fully responsible for all the transactional activity that are happening through login ID or User Account. You shall not share any production, confidential or personal data (except for Guardians in the case of a Minor User). The password(s) are user-specific and may only be used by you.

You agree to: (a) inform us of any unauthorized use or attempt to use of your login ID, password, or User Account, or any other security breach involving access to the Services through your User Account; and (b) log out of your User Account at the end of each session.

You are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable right to use our Services for Your internal business purposes subject to the Terms of Service. All other rights which are not expressly granted to You are hereby reserved by us.

Account Suspension or Termination. 

If User violates the Terms of Service or any other applicable terms and conditions, User’s right to use the Services ends. In response to a violation of these Terms of Service (or other applicable terms and conditions) by a User, Brane may also (i) suspend or terminate a User Account or a User’s access to the Services, or (ii) remove any Virtual Items or other content that the User has on the Services. Brane may also terminate a User Account pursuant to its policy of terminating in appropriate circumstances Users who Brane determines, in its sole discretion, are repeat infringers as contemplated by the Copyright Act. Users in violation of these User Terms or any other applicable Brane Terms will not be entitled to anything from Brane – so all Users should make sure to follow the rules! For any Minor Users, a Guardian may ask Brane to terminate the Minor Users Account by contacting  Brane Support.

You agree that Brane may suspend, disable, or terminate the provision of whole or any part of Services at any time, for any reason and without prior notice. We may also terminate your account on your written request. You agree that Brane shall not be liable to You for any suspension or termination of the Service. We may also suspend or terminate your account and your access to any Beta Service in case of any unforeseen and unexpected technical issues or discontinuation of the Beta Service

Termination of User Account results in deletion of all data in your User Account.

How we deal with the User Accounts which are inactive

We reserve the right to suspend or terminate the User Accounts which are inactive for a continuous period of one hundred and twenty (120) days. If we choose to suspend or terminate any inactive accounts, we will also delete the data associated with such User Account. We will endeavour to provide you with a prior notice of suspension or termination and an intimation for you to back-up your data.


We offer you our Services without any fees or charges to you and instead we generate our revenue by showing you the advertisements of interest to you and by selling the advertisement space to businesses (or) service providers in the advertising business. We use your personal information submitted to us to show you the relevant advertisements and we do not sell such information to anyone. We are paid by advertisers for utilizing the banner space given by us for their advertisements on our websites (or) to know the viewership or effectiveness of an advertisement. We allow you to take informed decision about the advertisements that are shown to you.

Your Commitment

While you register for our Services, You shall

  • provide accurate information about yourself and your employer, and
  • not provide any other corporate or legal person details; and
  • promptly update your information periodically to keep it current, and complete.

We reserve the right to refuse access, refuse providing Services, suspend or terminate the User account created by you or in which we believe in our sole discretion that suspicious activities are carried on or if we have suspicion that you provided information which is not accurate, complete or true.

User provided Data or Content

User provided Data or Content means the information of data provided by you or any other user in connection with the Services or to communicate to us via e-mail, social groups, forums, and other messaging services ("User provided Data or Content").

You understand and agree that the full responsibility of the accuracy and the legitimacy of all the information, data or other materials provided by you for utilizing our Services solely lies with you.

You grant us a perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable right and license to use, adapt, modify, display, reproduce, perform, publish, transmit, distribute, create derivative works of the User provided Data or Content in any form, medium, or technology without an obligation of payment of any compensation to you.

We do not guarantee the authenticity or accuracy of the User provided Data or Content

We do not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy, quality, legitimacy or integrity of the User provided Data or Content as we do not control, monitor, or endorse User provided Data or Content. Under any circumstances we shall not be liable for any User provided Data or Content, including, but not limited to, for any errors, omissions, loss or damage caused as a result of the use of any User provided Data or Content made available in connection with the Services. You shall use caution when including any sensitive, personal, or proprietary or confidential information or data through the User provided Data or Content that you submit. We do not want to receive any of your personal or sensitive information or data.

Social Media Interactions

We may use social media interactions to collect the customer satisfaction about our Services (dislike, like or share) (collectively referred to as “Social Media Interactions”). While doing so, Social Media Interactions may collect your IP address, pages visited by you, by setting any pixel tag or cookie to enable the feature to function properly. Social Media Interactions are hosted either by us directly or through a third-party service provider. Social Media Interactions are governed by the respective Social Media’s privacy policy and not ours.

Rules of Usage

Brane as an organisation supports freedom of expression. However, Brane is intended for a wide audience.  You may not use the Brane service in any way, that:

  • Promotes bigotry, discrimination, hatred, or violence against any individual or group.
  • Threatens, harasses, or intimidates any other person, whether that person is a Brane user or not; Contains foul language or personal attacks.
  • Contains sexually explicit or graphically violent material.
  • Provides instructions on how to commit illegal activities or obtain illegal products; asks any other user for personally identifying information, contact information, or passwords.
  • Exposes any others person's personally identifying information, contact information, or passwords without that person's permission.
  • You agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations when you use Brane.
  • You may not use Brane in any unlawful way, including to harass, stalk, or defame any other person.
  • You may not impersonate, imitate or pretend to be somebody else when using the Services
  • You agree not to use Brane in any way intended to disrupt the service, gain unauthorized access to the service, or interfere with any other user's ability to use the service. Prohibited activities include,

    but are not limited to:

    • Posting content deliberately designed to crash the Brane website or editor. 
    • Linking to pages containing viruses or malware.
    • Using administrator passwords or pretending to be an administrator.
    • Repeatedly posting the same material, or "spamming"; Using alternate accounts or to manipulate site statistics,
  • However, the Brane Team reserves the right to block any commercial use of Brane that, in the Brane Team's sole discretion, is harmful to the people.
  • Harmful commercial use includes spamming or repeated advertisement through projects, comments, or forum posts. You agree not to post links to any content outside of the Brane website, if to do so would violate any part of the Terms of Use.
Your Representations

You represent and warrant that

  • you own or you have necessary licensed to use such User provided Data or Content for the purposes as required under these Terms of Service and that our use of such User provided Data or Content provided you will not infringe or violate the rights of any third party.
  • the User provided Data or Content is accurate and does not violate or infringe any intellectual or other rights of any party or other parties. 
  • We are free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques that you submit to us for any purpose and you waive all moral rights that you may have in such User provided Data or Content.

We reserve the right in our sole discretion to use, review, change, condense, or delete any User provided Data or Content, or to refuse to post any User provided Data or Content on the Services. You agree to use the Services strictly in line with the usage instructions and limitations (software, hardware, subscriptions, locality, traffic or geography).

Compliance with Laws

You agree to comply with laws and regulations applicable for use of the Services. You agree not to make available any User provided Data or Content that

  • violates any law, rule, statute, regulation or ordinance
  • is false, inaccurate, misleading, harmful, threatening, abusive, inappropriate, profane, defamatory, vulgar, libellous, obscene, pornographic, racist, lewd, lascivious, filthy, violent, harassing, indecent, unlawful, invasive of other's privacy, or otherwise objectionable
  • infringes any intellectual property right
  • contains software viruses which damage the computer systems or networks( by whatever name they are referred to or any other similar technologies)
  • contains computer files, code, programs designed to decrease the performance and the functionality of any Services
  • defamatory, abusive, harassing, threatening, bullying
You Agree not to
  • modify or make derivative works based on the Service or
  • sell, transfer, sublicense, distribute, assign or commercially exploit the Service in any manner or
  • remove or modify any markings or notices of intellectual property or proprietary rights in the Service or
  • reverse engineer or resell or arrive at the source code of any software used in the Service or
  • send spam, unsolicited or duplicate messages violating the applicable laws or
  • disrupt or interfere with the performance and integrity of the Service or the data contained therein or
  • gain unauthorized access to the systems or networks or Service
  • manipulate headers or identifiers to disguise the origin of any User provided Data or Content provide in the Services.
  • create a false user account or identity misrepresenting any other person or legal entity or
  • install any code, file or software which is not suitable for Services or without any authority or permission
  • take any measure that hinders, compromises, damages the functioning of the Services
  • to gain unauthorized access to the Services or the systems, servers or networks connected to the Services or
  • scan or test the vulnerability of the Services or any network connected to the Services or overshoot the authentication measures on the Services or
  • use any automated means such as robots, spiders, or scrapers, without our prior permission for collecting information or content from the Services or 
  • collect and store information about other users of the Services or
  • copy or download and use any directory of users of the Services or
  • for purposes of monitoring the functioning, availability, performance, benchmarking the Services or disclose any such benchmark results to third parties.
Intellectual Property

We own or have license to all the intellectual property rights associated with Services or in the content and information provided in it such as images, audio or video, text, graphics, visual interfaces, logos, artwork, computer code, algorithms, user interfaces, know-how, techniques, designs and other tangible or intangible technical information or data including but not limited to their selection, structure, expression, design, alignment and arrangement in the Services and any feedback given by the users.

We hereby grant you non-exclusive, revocable right to use our Services subject to the Terms of Service and we are not selling or transferring any of our ownership rights to any material or content provided through the Services.

Except as otherwise permitted under these Terms of Service, no part of the Services may be duplicated or copied or distributed in any way for any purposes, without our prior written consent. If permitted by us then You shall not erase any of the proprietary and intellectual property ownership notices and you shall also put a statement attributing the ownership us in all such material or content.

The Services may contain the proprietary and copyrighted content and information of third parties and there may be separate terms applicable for use of those which you need to comply and adhere to without any fail.

The Services may contain links to third-party websites and applications for your convenience and information. We do not control those third-party websites and applications, and we do not endorse or make any representations about those third-party websites and applications. You agree that we are not responsible for the legality, decency or any other aspect of such websites and applications that are not under our control, and that you shall not hold us responsible for any damage or harm that may arise due to your access or use of any such website or application

Confidentiality Obligation

"Confidential Information" shall mean and include, but not limited to, all ideas, techniques, models, inventions, know-how, processes, software programs, source code, trade secrets, and works of authorship relating to our current, future, and proposed products and services; customer, employee, and supplier lists; and any and all Content (including User provided Data or Content) published on the Services provided by us or any user.

Confidential Information do not include information that: (a) is in the public domain through no fault of the receiving party or (b) was in the possession of receiving party prior to the disclosure lawfully or (c) is lawfully disclosed to the receiving party by a third party without restriction on disclosure or (d) is independently developed by receiving party without the use of the Confidential Information.

You warrant that you will not disclose Confidential Information to any third party and you will use the Confidential Information for the purposes authorised under this Terms of Service and you will take all the required steps to maintain the confidentiality of the Confidential Information.

You shall use the same or higher degree of care you use to protect your information to prevent the unauthorized use, dissemination, or publication of the Confidential Information and in no event it shall be less than what a prudent person would exercise under similar circumstances.

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy is incorporated herein by this reference. By accepting this Terms of Service, you consent for collection and use your personal information as described in our Privacy Policy. Our operations teams shall have the right to access and use your account information, and User provided Data or Content for the purpose of the efficient delivery of the Services by responding to the technical problems or to provide any other professional services as requested by you. We reserve the privilege to the change your account, login-ID and passcodes in our sole discretion.

Disclaimer of Warranty

You acknowledge that you are using Brane at your own risk. Brane is provided "as is," and the Brane Entities hereby expressly disclaim any and all warranties, express and implied, including but not limited to any warranties of accuracy, reliability, title, merchantability, non-infringement, fitness for a particular purpose or any other warranty, condition, guarantee or representation, whether oral, in writing or in electronic form, including but not limited to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained therein or provided by Brane. Without limiting the foregoing, the Brane Entities disclaim any and all warranties, express and implied, regarding user-generated content. The Brane Entities and their third party service providers do not represent or warrant that access to Brane will be uninterrupted or that there will be no failures, errors or omissions or loss of transmitted information, or that no viruses will be transmitted through Brane services. You acknowledge and agree that Brane Services are provided subject to the limitations posed by the technologies(software and hardware components) associated with provision and use of world wide web or internet or electronic communications. Brane is not liable or responsible for any failures or damages resulting from such issues in the sue of Services.

We or our licensors do not warrant that
  • the use of the Services will be secure, error-free or uninterrupted or
  • the Services will meet the user expectations or requirements or
  • errors or defects in Services will be corrected or that any reported problems may be resolved with the use of any information provided by us through the Services or
  • the Services or the server(s) that make the Services available are free of viruses or harmful technologies or components.
  • the accuracy or completeness of information and content made available through the Services or
Limitation of liability

In no event we are liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages, or damages for loss of profits, revenue, data, or use, incurred by you or any third party, arising out of or in any way connected with the access to, use of, or inability to use the services. This limitation applies whether the alleged liability is based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability, or other legal theory, even if the party is advised of the possibility of such damages.


You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold us our directors, officers, employees, affiliates, and subsidiaries harmless from any claims, damages, costs, expenses, losses, liabilities (including reasonable attorneys' fees) that arise out of or are related to

  • breach of this Terms of Service.
  • violation of laws, intellectual property rights, data protection and privacy laws, export control regulations or laws in general.
  • User provided Data or Content infringes or violates any other party’s rights.
  • third-party claims on account of usage of User provided Data or Content by us in providing Services.
  • Modification

    We reserve the right to modify these Terms of Service in our sole own discretion at any time. Such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting the modified Terms of Service on to the Services. If you do not agree to the modified terms, You may choose to terminate your use of the Services by providing a thirty (30) day notice to Brane from the date of the availability of the modified Terms on the Website.

    You shall be deemed to have accepted the modified Terms of Service if you (a) continue the usage or access of our Services b) if you have not terminated your account, even after the modified Terms of Service are applied to the Services.

  • Jurisdiction and Law

    You agree that all matters relating to the interpretation of Terms of Service or your access and use of the Services shall be governed by the laws of Singapore. Any disputes arising under, or in any way related to the Terms of Service shall be brought and litigated in the courts situated in Singapore and you hereby agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the said courts.

  • Assignment

    You cannot assign this Terms of Service or any interest derived under it, without the prior written consent of us.

  • Notices or Communication

    If a notice or communication to you is required to be sent under this Terms of Service then it will be sent to the mailing address or e-mail address given by you.

  • Waiver

    Any waiver by us of a breach of any of the provision of this Terms of Service shall not operate as a waiver of any other breach of same or any other provision of this Terms of Service.

  • Severability

    In the event any provision of this Terms of Service is held invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, then that part shall be severed from the remainder of the Terms of Service and all other provisions should continue in full force and effect as valid and enforceable.

  • Entire Agreement

    This Terms of Service shall constitute the entire agreement between you and us with respect to the subject matter contained herein and shall supersede all the previous agreements, statements and understandings between you and us regarding the subject matter contained herein.

  • Equitable Relief

    You acknowledge that any breach or threatened breach of the Terms of Service will result in irreparable harm for which money damages may not be an adequate remedy and therefore we are entitled to seek equitable relief including injunctive relief in addition to our rights and remedies otherwise available at law.

  • Force Majeure

    We shall not be liable to fulfil any obligation if we are prevented from doing so by force majeure. Force Majeure shall mean and include but not limited to strikes, blockades, embargoes, government measures, war, revolution, power failures, faults in electronic communication lines, cable breaks, fires, explosions, water damage, lightning damage, natural disasters, flooding and/or earthquake, shortage or sickness of personnel, epidemic, pandemic, and non-fulfilment of reciprocal commitments by our vendors etc.

  • Contact

    If you have any questions about these Terms, please contact us by email on the following address:

    Name: Brane Cognitives Pte Ltd

    E-mail id: [email protected]